You Can’t Hurry Love Chapter 25/30


Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3  Chapter 4   Chapter 5  Chapter 6   Chapter 7  Chapter 8   Chapter 9     Chapter 10     Chapter 11     Chapter 12    Chapter 13  Chapter 14      Chapter 15     Chapter 16   Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19   Chapter 20  Chapter 21   Chapter 22   Chapter 23     Chapter 24

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Plus-Size OFC

Word Count: 4300

Warnings: Fluff, family and relationship drama, (trigger warning) healing after a trauma, some pretty strong angst, and explicit sexual content that is NSFW 18+.  SERIOUSLY.


@3dsaunt​  @andiyholly​  @averyrogers83  @babybluesunsets@bettercallsabs@brittyevans​  @brookebarnes@captain-rogers-beard@cecygee​   @csrfavs​   @docharleythegeekqueen​  @dorito-distractions​  @everythingisoverrated​  @fabicchi​  @favhearts​  @flawless-disaster​  @gifsbysimplysonia@hazeleyedgirl7​   @hennessy0274-blog@inumorph@jaguars2007​  @jaamesbbarnes@jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​  @janeyboo​   @jhangelface0523@jouhainak@learisa@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked@lilylovescomics​   @lojo83​   @lookwhatyoumademequeue​  @lostinspace33​  @madicardi​  @magellan-88​   @mamapeterson​  @mcdesij @me-a-hopeless-romantic​  @meyoko10​  @mindingmyownbusiness@mizzzpink@neverleturheartshow2​  @nomadicpixel​  @nothanks-justlooking@part-time-patronus@patzammit@pinkieandthebrain1@redqueen1221@rosiethebaker@sebbytrash​  @sgtjbuccky​  @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​  @stark-spangledbanner​  @st-eve-barnes@stillherebiandabitch@sunriserose1023@suz-123@the-real-kellymonster​    @tutis24@winterismyfavoriteseason1945​  @winters-beauty@yaykitty3

Let the Good Times Roll….for once

Chapter Summary:  The worst was over – hopefully forever.  The Weber, no, Strucker siblings were in federal custody but they knew their biggest threat came from the shadows.  Steve and Steph finally get to enjoy a bit of married life, with a little help from their friends and they plan how to share their wonderful (and not-so-wonderful) life updates with the ones they love most.

Chapter Notes: Whoa – talk about writer’s block!  I was stuck forever between the last chapter and these last 5 when I originally posted this on Ao3, but you guys have the benefit of not needing to wait too long, as I only have to format now.  To quote the wise advice of my good friend @MsEnglish101, I didn’t want this series to become one life-threatening peril after another.  So now – fluff and happiness! (for the most part).  Big thanks to @HMarvels31 who lent me her time, ideas, and wonderful support to help craft this chapter – IF YOU ARE A BUCKY fan, or just a fan of amazing writing – go check her out on Ao3  HMarvels31 !!! Also continued thanks for all the support I get from ALL of you – I’m sorry I’ve been delinquent in responding to all your wonderful, awesome, life-affirming, giddiness-inducing comments – I just continue to struggle to find the work/home/mom-ing balance.  I’ll catch up with all of you one of these days. Seriously.

Ellie and Wil knew their days were numbered.  The brother and sister were denied bail after their arraignment, thanks to the influence of Captain America and The Avengers.   Though they didn’t care about the government penitentiaries in which they currently resided, they knew there was a network of inmates, guards, and prison administrators connected to The Hive who would, before long, have orders to eliminate them,  with the highest bounty given to whomever got the job done first, or could promise the most painful demise.  They were raised HYDRA, where loyalty was rewarded as long as you were needed, and Ellie knew the best odds for survival lay with her brother.  There was no one within The Hive who knew as much about the Serum project as him, and the last she knew, a successful Serum was the organization’s number one priority.  She hoped it still was, at least for Wil’s sake.  She didn’t hold out as much hope for herself.

Keep reading

Which is currently in my drafts. I can’t wait to read. This is such a great series.

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