Picking up the Pieces


Title:  Picking up the Pieces

Author:  Mimi @captain-rogers-beard

Summary:  You confront Steve after he nearly dies during a mission.

Characters:  Steve Rogers x Female Reader

Word Count:  1802

Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, mentions of blood, unprotected sex

Author’s Notes:  This was written for my amazing friend @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan. We made a bet, I lost, she gets a one shot of her choosing. Here it is. Also written for @captialrogers All the Feels Writing Challenge. My prompt was You have no idea how much I want you right now with Steve Rogers

***My work is not to be posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***

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MIMI I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. This was perfect.

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