The Guardian: Setting Boundaries

Summary: Steve came home from the war to a wife that could not deal with the emotionally, mentally, and physically changed man before her. Dealing with it the only way he knew how, Steve buried himself in his work. After saving hundreds of lives in one heroic act, Steve finds himself put on bodyguard duty. Also known as a glorified babysitter.
It wasn’t easy being the daughter of insanely rich and successful businessman, Phil Coulson. After multiple death threats, your overbearing, worries-too-much father decides you need a bodyguard.
Word Count: 1,577
Warnings: Language, angst, blood, violence, explicit sexual content, possibly more to come.
Author’s Note:

Series Master List

My work is not to be posted on any other sites (AO3, Wattpad, etc.) without my express written permission. Reblogs are fine.


“God, dad,” you grumbled. “Why can’t you just listen to me? I don’t need a damn babysitter! I’m a grown ass woman. I can take care of myself.”

Phil was sitting behind his desk and shaking his head. “You seem to forget the amount of death threats that have been sent to you, Y/N.” The pinched expression on his face meant he was done arguing with you about it.

“They’re empty threats. Nothing more,” you said when there was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” Phil instructed as he stood, fastening the buttons on his suit jacket.

“I apologize for interrupting, sir,” the new arrival apologized gruffly, closing the door behind him.

Your father was wearing his business only smile as he stood in front of the man whose name you didn’t yet know. “No apologies necessary. You must be Steve Rogers.”

“Yes, sir,” Steve responded, shaking Phil’s hand.

Phil started chuckling. “I like you already.”

Steve gave a tight-lipped smile in return, unease rolling off of him in waves.

“Steve, this is my daughter, Y/N,” your father said, motioning toward you as you approached the duo.

“Nice to meet you, ma’am,” Steve greeted you flatly, a soft Irish lilt to his voice, his azure eyes sharp and attentive as they roamed over you in a purely professional matter.

You rolled your eyes in annoyance. “Call me by my first name,” you instructed coolly.

“Sorry, ma’am. I can’t do that,” Steve insisted, the previously mentioned accent gaining momentum.

“Don’t tell the man how to do his job,” Phil chastised.

“I’m not telling him how to do his job, I just don’t like -”

Phil cut a glare at you that made the words die on the tip of your tongue. “I assume you’ve been brought up to date, Steve?”

“Yes, sir,” Steve confirmed, eyes lingering on you for a moment before landing on those of Phil. “There are a few questions I have, if that’s alright.”

“Absolutely. Fire away, as it were,” Phil chuckled at his own joke, one that made you roll your eyes again.

Steve cleared his throat at the flare of awkwardness in the room, emanating from Y/N. “I assume all other members of security have been thoroughly vetted?”

“They have,” Phil confirmed. He strolled over to a standing filing cabinet, unlocked the top drawer, and opened it, pulling out three very thick folders, which he then handed to Steve. “Please feel free to look them over. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

After accepting the files and tucking them under his arm, Steve didn’t wait to ask his next question. “Based on the nature of the threats, I assume ‘round the clock service will be required. Where will I be staying?”

“Twenty-four hours a day, that is correct,” Phil confirmed.

“Dad, you can’t be serious,” you groaned, arms crossed under your chest.

Phil went on as if he hadn’t heard you. “I have rented an entire floor of The William Vale.”

“For how long, sir?”

“As long as necessary, Steve,” Phile answered. “Now, if there is nothing else…”

Steve shook his head as Phil’s voice drifted off. “No, sir.”

You should have known better than to try and break into the conversation. “I have someth-”

“That’s good to hear.” Phil shook Steve’s hand once more before showing him to the door. “I’ve got a full day of meetings ahead of me. I expect a full report on how the first day went.”

“Yes, sir,” Steve agreed, his eyes quickly finding you. “Are you coming, ma’am?”

Gritting your teeth, you grabbed your bag and stormed over to your father. “Have a good day,” you said before brushing a kiss to his cheek. You might have been unbelievably pissed off at him, but the man was still your father.


You were sitting in the backseat of the luxury vehicle, trying to focus on the task at hand; composing a speech to give at an upcoming fundraiser, but your mind was focused on the man in the passenger seat directly in front of you.

When you heard you were getting a bodyguard, you had expected someone middle-aged, soft around the middle, maybe even losing his hair, anyone other than Steve Rogers. He had a head full of dirty blond hair, eyes that could probably drill through cement if he stared hard enough at it, a jaw that flexed in a hypnotizing manner. The man’s shoulders were wide enough that he had to twist before walking through an open door, and you were sure you could hear the seams of his jacket and shirt screaming for help whenever he moved.

Nope, you couldn’t do that; notice the rough beauty of your new bodyguard. Besides, you hated having him around. You didn’t need him, you could go about your days and nights without having someone there at all times. Fucking babysitter.

His eyes met yours in the rearview mirror. “Ma’am, is everything alright?”

Shit, you hadn’t realized you were staring. “Everything’s fine, Steve. I’m just anxious to get to the office.”

Your office was across town, almost as far away from Coulson Industries as you could get without crossing the river. It was a non-profit that catered to the homeless. It wasn’t a shelter, though you had plans for the ground to break on one the following spring, but the center was a safe place, a place they could take a hot shower, get a haircut, find some clean clothes, toiletries, personal items that normal people wouldn’t think to donate, wash whatever items of clothing they wanted to keep. While it wasn’t considered a shelter, there was a room in the back full of beds and cribs. Overnight stays were legally frowned upon, but naps and times of rest were not. You knew you were toeing a line, but you didn’t care. These people and their families were suffering. If no one was going to help them, you would do everything in your power to step up.

Steve nodded before giving your driver instructions. “Take Park.”

“No,” you immediately disagreed. “Pietro has been my driver for the last five years. He knows where he’s going. Stay on the normal route, Pietro.”

“Yes, Y/N,” Pietro acknowledged.

Steve shook his head and repeated his previous instruction. “There’s a forty-five minute delay up ahead, ma’am.”

“You’re not my driver, Steve,” you ground out, rage simmering just below the surface.

He glared at you in the rearview mirror. “No, ma’am, I am not your driver,” he agreed, his accent thicker than before. “I’m your bodyguard, and anyone that is in your father’s employ, will do as I deem fit, as per your father’s instructions… ma’am. Take Park.”

Pietro flipped on the signal and quickly changed lanes, taking the route as directed. He had both hands on the wheel as he pulled off the main road.

Stormy eyes drilled into yours as if daring you to say another word. When you didn’t, he turned his attention to the passing scenery, watching for any kind of danger. Although, you didn’t understand how he could possibly see anything, what with Pietro cruising at a swift seventy miles per hour.

Thirty minutes later, Steve was escorting you through the building, insisting that he go through every door first and do a sweep of the room before allowing you to enter. By the time you got to your office, you didn’t really care if there was some kind of threat behind the door. You just wanted to get in and sit down behind your desk and get some goddamn work done!

Steve had just emerged from the bathroom when you stormed in. “I didn’t give you the all clear, ma’am,” he said tiredly.

You huffed in irritation as you hung up your jacket and scarf. “Believe it or not, I have a deadline to meet today. The time wasted on clearing each and every room I pass through -”

“Is time that you’re not dead,” Steve growled. “Ma’am.”

“Look, you’ve got a job to do, I get it. But, you need to understand that I also have a job to do,” you informed him flatly. You pulled out the notebook and files from your bag with one hand, and flipped on your laptop with the other, your eyes already taking in a plethora of information.

Steve stood there, hands clasped behind his back, his jaw flexing. “I’ll be outside if you need me, ma’am.” His accent was heavier than before, and it made you wonder just how angry he would have to be to slip into full Irish.

After he left your office, Steve found a spot in the center of the large room, and stood there, his back to the wall, his eyes taking in everything that was happening around him, including you inside of your office, clearly visible through the floor-to-ceiling glass walls. You fought down the urge to draw the blinds, to hide from his prying eyes. You had never once drawn them before, having told the employees, volunteers, and those seeking help that you were available at all times, no matter what.

However, with Steve standing guard and his piercing gaze taking in every inch of everything you were doing, following you whenever you left your office, no matter where you were going, it started to make the back of your neck crawl.

God, this whole thing was going to take some getting used to.

THREE: Establishing Command


Everything: @captain-rogers-beard @stevieang @sunriserose1023 @moderapoppins @nomadstevergxrs @slytherin-in-hufflepuff-robes @fatalcrossbow @phoenixwench @cattfeine @jbarnes87 @shynara51 @kanupps06 @girl-next-door-writes @palaiasaurus64 @supermarvelbrivalentine5sos @mcdanno71 @female-accountant @badassbaker @mittenskittie @icysquares @jobean12-blog @bella-ca @brieannakeogh @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @breezy1415 @titty-teetee @speakinvain @diinofayce @pebblesz892 @thatgirl-xx-thatgirl @iwillwakeherinthemorning @redqueen1221 @brittyevans @prettybubblesintheair @unlikelygalaxygiver @andiyholly @everythingisoverrated @akamaiden @glitterquadricorn @carls1022 @marvelellie @neeadinghugs @minahraven @gigistorm @sea040561 @universal-death-of-a-fangirl @tinyfistwarrior @coal000 @capsheadquaters @sebstanwintersoldier27 @denise1605 @alyssaj23 @rainbowkisses31 @piensa-bonito @absolutelydreadful @oldwhalien @brastrangled @xtina2191 @buckysothiccbarnes @jessica-bones-winchester @iamthemaskhewears @wheresthekillswitch @chonisberonica @tsukuyomi011 @roonyxx @doewhisper-of-windclan @feelmyroarrrr @starryeyes-sadmind

Steve: @mjdoc90 @hides-in-the-shadows @cherrysfandom @lxdyred @phoenix21love @xingareum @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @its-a-pretty-interesting-wall @slytherincoven @unicorniorosacomefrutillas

The Guardian: @tinyglamdramaqueen @rumoured-whispers @amandab-ftw @i-am-mrsreckless @nuvoleincielo @dudahmoraesevans @nycwallcrawller @kimskew @hazie-rey @princess-evans-addict @ashann7 @gigiljoshler @1elboomdemsechevarria @emmieliabedelia @ashrod98 @wheredid-ileavethe-tardis @xrosegoldwolfx

You Can’t Hurry Love Chapter 24/30


Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3  Chapter 4   Chapter 5  Chapter 6   Chapter 7 Chapter 8   Chapter 9     Chapter 10     Chapter 11     Chapter 12    Chapter 13 Chapter 14      Chapter 15     Chapter 16   Chapter 17  Chapter 18   Chapter 19  Chapter 20  Chapter 21   Chapter 22   Chapter 23

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Plus-Size OFC

Word Count: 6200

Warnings: Fluff, family and relationship drama, (trigger warning) healing after a trauma, some pretty strong angst, and explicit sexual content that is NSFW 18+.  SERIOUSLY.

Tags:   @3dsaunt  @andiyholly  @averyrogers83  @babybluesunsets @bettercallsabs @brittyevans  @brookebarnes @cecygee   @csrfavs   @docharleythegeekqueen  @dorito-distractions  @everythingisoverrated  @fabicchi  @favhearts  @flawless-disaster  @gifsbysimplysonia @hazeleyedgirl7   @hennessy0274-blog @inumorph @jaguars2007  @jaamesbbarnes @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety  @janeyboo   @jhangelface0523 @jouhainak @learisa @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @lilylovescomics   @lojo83   @lookwhatyoumademequeue  @lostinspace33  @madicardi  @magellan-88   @mamapeterson  @me-a-hopeless-romantic  @meyoko10  @mindingmyownbusiness @mizzzpink @neverleturheartshow2  @nomadicpixel  @nothanks-justlooking @part-time-patronus @patzammit @pinkieandthebrain1 @redqueen1221 @rosiethebaker @sebbytrash  @sgtjbuccky  @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan  @stark-spangledbanner  @st-eve-barnes @stillherebiandabitch @sunriserose1023 @suz-123 @the-real-kellymonster    @tutis24 @winterismyfavoriteseason1945  @winters-beauty @yaykitty3

The Big Bang

Chapter Summary: You thought Ellie Weber was your protector, your friend, and a trusted SHIELD agent.  She was none of these things, and you were about to find out through an act of betrayal that took your breath away.  Your protectors – Steve and Bucky – weren’t there to save you, in fact, no one was.  Your only thought was to save your unborn baby, at any cost necessary.  Your enemy’s objective was to sacrifice whomever got in the way of their plans to create the next race of Super Soldiers, and Ellie Weber was really hoping you got in the way.

Chapter Notes: So, this chapter felt weird.  I had to rewrite it a bunch of times, and I think it’s because I’m much less sure of myself when it comes to action, rather than personal relationships.  Hey, what can I say?  I feel very lucky to not have ever been captured by an evil organization and need my superhero husband and best friend to save me.  So, I’d love feedback about your thoughts on this chapter – good, bad, or in between.  Oh, and ladies and gentlemen – the queen has returned – the bestest beta in the world, @MsEnglish101, this world o’mine is much better because of her.

The first thing he felt was a throbbing headache.  As he tried shaking himself awake, Bucky smelled smoke, rocketing him into fight-or-flight mode.  The last thing he remembered was Weber getting him, Collins, and Edwards downstairs with a story about a potential threat, being exposed to some kind of airborne sedative, and then getting a large syringe jabbed into his neck.  Those thoughts ran pretty quickly through his head, as he realized how close the three of them were to the fire, and that both of his arms were tied to a load-bearing beam.  

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Poppies: A Canadian Girl Story


Poppies: A Canadian Girl Story


Master List  |  Steve Roger’s Master List  |  Canadian Girl Master List

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Kennedy Rogers  | Word Count: 3082
Warnings: A little sad, but mostly fluffy

Remembrance Day is incredibly important to my family. My grandfather stood guard for many a year at the cenotaph in Athabasca, so this story is near and dear to my heart. I hope you enjoy it and take a moment between now and the 11th to honour and remember those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our countries and in the pursuit of freedom.

The poppies always did him in. Those bright red flowers with their flat black centers. They reminded him of those who’d gone before him. Of the fallen soldiers. The ones he’d known personally, and the ones whose names had long ago been forgotten.

Steve could remember every face and every name of every soldier who’d fought for him and died. He could remember everyone who’d been on missions with him for SHIELD and never came back. He knew them all like he knew his own name, and the poppies in their blood-red glory brought all those names raging back.

Every year when Veteran’s Day rolled around, he put on his Captain’s face and didn’t allow the grief to show.

Kennedy knew, of course. She sat with him at night when the memories grew so loud he couldn’t fight them any longer and allowed the tears to stream silently down his face. Her quiet presence helped keep him grounded when the worst of the demons got out of the cage he’d stuffed them in.

Having his son James and now little Sarah Natalia, his six-month-old daughter and light of his life, the apple of his eye, helped even further. He could look at his children and see what he was fighting for. He could hold his wife and know why he placed himself in harm’s way.

They were his world.

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I’m not crying, you’re crying. 

Okay, I lied. 

I’m totally crying.

It’s beautiful, T. 

The Guardian: Reassignment

Summary: Steve came home from the war to a wife that could not deal with the emotionally, mentally, and physically changed man before her. Dealing with it the only way he knew how, Steve buried himself in his work. After saving hundreds of lives in one heroic act, Steve finds himself put on bodyguard duty. Also known as a glorified babysitter.
It wasn’t easy being the daughter of insanely rich and successful businessman, Phil Coulson. After multiple death threats, your overbearing, worries-too-much father decides you need a bodyguard.
Word Count: 943
Warnings: Language, angst, blood, violence, explicit sexual content, possibly more to come.
Author’s Note: GIF Credit found on Google Images without a source.

Series Master List

My work is not to be posted on any other sites (AO3, Wattpad, etc.) without my express written permission. Reblogs are fine.


Steve’s back was straight, shoulders squared, hands clasped behind his back, chin raised, eyes drilling into a spot on the wall above his commanding officer’s head. He had just been informed that due to his heroic actions the previous Friday, all of his current cases would be transferred to other officers while he went on protective duty.

His charge was Y/N Coulson, and apparently, her life was in danger. Her father, Phil, was a successful businessman, perhaps too successful for his own good. Success brought enemies knocking on the door, and with old man Coulson refusing to cooperate, to bend to his enemy’s whims, his daughter had started receiving threats of all kinds.

Everything Steve had heard about Y/N made him cringe. She was a spoiled rich kid that partied all night and slept all day. She was on the cover of every tabloid magazine in New York, drinking, driving while intoxicated, getting arrested, going to rehab. There was even a quickie wedding in Vegas, followed by an annulment less than a month later; all while Steve was overseas, fighting a war that claimed the lives of his best friends, his brothers. In fact, he would have died if it hadn’t been for Bucky –

“Did you hear me, Rogers?” Pepper demanded to know, yanking Steve from his thoughts.

“Yes, ma’am,” he ground out, Irish accent thick on his tongue. “When do I start, ma’am?”

“Tomorrow morning you will report to Coulson Industries,” she informed him. “Seven am, sharp.”

Steve dipped his chin in confirmation. “Yes, ma’am.” With his molars grinding, Steve turned, and walked across the room.

“And Steve,” Pepper murmured as Steve’s hand fell to the door handle. “Act as if you actually care about her safety.”

“Will do, ma’am,” he said with a tight smile.


“C’mon,” Steve grit out, a hand raking through his hair as the line continued to ring.

Sharon had never let it ring that long before. It had either been sent to voicemail or she had disconnected the call long before. Then again, Sharon had changed in the last eighteen months since Steve had come home.

“Answer the fuckin’ phone.”

Half a ring later, her breathy voice greeted him. “Steve? Wha- what time is it?”

“Shit, love,” he muttered, the digital numbers on the clock catching his attention. “It’s late. I’m sorry, doll.”

“What do you want, Steve?” Sharon huffed, irritation replacing the sleep in her voice.

“Nothin’,” Steve denied a little too quickly for his own good. “I just wanted to talk.”

Sharon gave a disappointed groan. “It’s late, Steve.”

“You don’t think I know that? I just apologized for it,” he snapped, his fingers tightening around the bottle of beer on his thigh. “I just want to talk is all. Can’t we talk?”

“It’s two in the morning,” she argued through her teeth.

“So? We used to stay up all night talking,” Steve remembered bitterly.

Sharon was shaking her head and pinching the bridge of her nose. “Yeah, well, we were young and dumb,” she scoffed. “Goodnight, Steve.”

“No, Sharon,” he ground out. “Please don’t hang up on me. I just want to talk.”

“You’re drunk,” Sharon sighed.

Steve slid the beer bottle onto the counter. “Am not.”

“I didn’t say you were drinking. I said you’re drunk.”

“I am not,” Steve said a little louder than before. “If I were drunk, I wouldn’t be callin’. I’d be passed out in your bed where I belong.”

Sharon let out a heavy breath. “We’ve talked about this, Steve. We can’t… I don’t want -”

“To be with your husband,” he finished for her. “Yeah, I got that bit from the delivery boy you sent.”

“I’m not filing for divorce,” she groaned. “It’s just a -”

“Separation,” Steve scoffed loudly. “Still means you don’t want to be with me. Why not? Can’t you explain it to me?”

“I’m hanging up the phone,” she announced. “Don’t call back or I will call the police.”

Steve’s already-boiling blood surged through him even faster. “I am the police, love.”

“Are you.. is that a threat?”

“No, no,” he stammered. “That’s not what I meant at all, love. I would never abuse my power like that.”

“Goodnight, Steven,” she bit out before disconnecting the call.

“Just wanted to talk,” Steve hollered before launching the phone across the room, sending it into the wall. Bits of glass and plastic littered the floor, which Steve begrudgingly cleaned up, after he finished his beer.

He sat down on the couch, another beer in his hands, his mind whirling around like a tornado. God, he just wanted to go home and be with his wife. Why couldn’t he do that? Why wouldn’t she let him come home?!

Shaking his head, he scoffed irritatedly at himself. He knew why, he just couldn’t believe it.

Steve came home from a war that changed him, and not just physically. He had seen things nobody should ever see, heard things no one should ever hear. His brothers in arms had been blown apart less than ten feet from him, they had been taken prisoner and tortured, videos sent as proof and demands shouted in a language Steve didn’t know. He had seen the life drain from their eyes, he had heard their cries for mercy, and if he closed his eyes, he could still hear every single one of them. Steve was fucked in the head, and Sharon couldn’t handle it.

“For better or worse, my ass,” Steve slurred after finishing off his second six pack of beer.

He stumbled into the bedroom where he fell face first onto the bed and started snoring less than five seconds later.

TWO: Setting Boundaries


Everything: @captain-rogers-beard @stevieang@sunriserose1023​​ @moderapoppins@nomadstevergxrs@slytherin-in-hufflepuff-robes@fatalcrossbow@phoenixwench@cattfeine@jbarnes87@shynara51@kanupps06​​ @girl-next-door-writes@palaiasaurus64​​ @supermarvelbrivalentine5sos@mcdanno71@female-accountant@badassbaker​​ @mittenskittie@icysquares@jobean12-blog@bella-ca@brieannakeogh@jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​​ @breezy1415​​ @titty-teetee​​ @speakinvain​​ @diinofayce​​ @pebblesz892​​ @thatgirl-xx-thatgirl​​​ @iwillwakeherinthemorning@redqueen1221@brittyevans​​ @prettybubblesintheair@unlikelygalaxygiver​​ @andiyholly​​ @everythingisoverrated@akamaiden@glitterquadricorn@carls1022@marvelellie@neeadinghugs@minahraven@gigistorm@sea040561 @universal-death-of-a-fangirl@tinyfistwarrior@coal000​ @capsheadquaters​​ @sebstanwintersoldier27@denise1605 @brastrangled@xtina2191 @buckysothiccbarnes@jessica-bones-winchester @iamthemaskhewears @wheresthekillswitch @chonisberonica@tsukuyomi011@roonyxx@doewhisper-of-windclan @feelmyroarrrr

The Guardian: @tinyglamdramaqueen@rumoured-whispers@amandab-ftw@i-am-mrsreckless@nuvoleincielo @dudahmoraesevans@nycwallcrawller@kimskew

Steve: @mjdoc90@hides-in-the-shadows@cherrysfandom@lxdyred@phoenix21love@xingareum@itsstillnotwhatyouthink@its-a-pretty-interesting-wall@slytherincoven​  

The Spy Who Loved Him: The Woman with a Thousand Lives


Title:  The Spy Who Loved Him: The Woman with a Thousand Lives

Author:  Mimi @captain-rogers-beard

Summary:  You’re willing to be whatever Steve wants you to be. Problem is, he wants you to be yourself.

Characters:  Eventual Steve Rogers x Assassin! Enhanced! Reader

Word Count:  1252

Warnings:  some language, smoking, Captain America isn’t a goody-two-shoes

Author’s Notes:  Right before I fell asleep the other night, an image of Steve Rogers – not Chris Evans, Steve Rogers – smoking a cigarette popped in my head. This comes from that. Then I somehow wrote myself into what might potentially be a series.

***My work is not to be posted on any other sites (AO3, Wattpad, etc.) without my express written permission. Reblogs are fine.***


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Loyalty and Devotions


Title:  Loyalty and Devotion

Author:  Mimi @captain-rogers-beard

Summary:  Agent Hill is wounded on a mission.

Characters:  Steve Rogers x Maria Hill

Happy Steve Bingo Square Filled: Loyalty/Devotion

Word Count:  1390

Warnings:  canon-typical violence, fluff

Author’s Notes:  I’m a Captain Hill shipper and since it’s hard to find fics about them, I write my own. I tagged my Forever list and my Steve Rogers list, but if you don’t want to be tagged in any future “Captain Hill” pieces, shoot me a message or an ask and I’ll put you on the exception list.

***My work is not to be posted on any other sites (AO3, Wattpad, etc.) without my express written permission. Reblogs are fine.***

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I absolutely adore this ship.




Pairing: Steve x Reader

Word Count: about 1,100

Warnings: nada


A/N:  Hello hello! I hope you guys like this and I did the requester justice! As always I love your feedback so please send it in! You can send in a request or ask for a tag here and check out my masterlist here.

It had all started months ago. When you first showed up at the compound, Steve knew you were something special. You quickly and easily fit into the group despite not being an Avenger yourself. You were currently working with Tony on some new development and so he had arranged for you to move into the compound while the two of you worked. Steve quickly became infatuated with you. How you laughed when Wanda said something funny, how you were able to joke around with Sam, how gentle you were with Bucky.

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Chapter Four


Master List  |  Steve Rogers Master List

Previous Chapter

Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC  |  Word Count: 6274
Warnings: fluff, kind of smexy, angst, death of her mother, cheating ex

The tag list is open. Please send an ASK if you want on the list.

This chapter brought to you by the wonderful @tamianich through Coffee Updates. Thank you for your support! It means so much to me.

Natasha jogged the last few steps and breathed out in relief. “Well, shit. No wonder Lily has an ass you could bounce a quarter off. Eight flights of stairs, no elevator. Grocery day must suck balls.”

“Jeez, Nat. And Steve bitches about my mouth,” Bucky chuckled. “And I don’t think ogling Lily’s ass will win you any points with him. I haven’t seen him get that doe-eyed, sappy smile, squinchy face since Peggy.”

“Yeah?” she smirked, sauntering down the hall.

“Oh, yeah. Steve’s sweet on her alright. Course, he won’t do anything about it until this shit with her ex is sorted, and her mom taken care of. The punk’s got too much honour for that.”

“I am aware,” Nat sighed. “You think if we gave him enough of Thor’s hooch he’d drop the act and pin her to the wall?”

Bucky burst out laughing. “Maybe. You sure seem to like her.”

“It’s weird, but I really do. I was ready to be suspicious and guarded but something about her…” She shook her head, unable to explain it.

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First off, how dare you give me a new kink I didn’t know about; touching her feathers. Sign me the fuck up when he helps clean her wings. Yes ma’am.

Secondly, Lily’s ex is a douche and I have a really bad feeling about him. Thank you Nat, I mean Bambi, for telling -and showing- him exactly how we all feel.

Third, WAFFLES. But… waffles.

I am so excited for more. 

Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend



Warnings: Slow-burny build up? (PART 2 IS SMUT, YO) Slight angsty feels, sass, jealousy, sexual tension

(SORRY THE FORMAT IS BEING WEIRD ON MOBILE. I changed the gif to see if it would help.)

A/N: Dress by TSwizzle (Taylor Swift) just screams Steve to me. I feel like I’ve been trying to write this for like 25 years, and I apologize for working on this instead of other WIPs, but I hope you enjoy it! Unbeta’d and could probably be better, but I’m super sick and just wanted to get it out there.
Also, I ship Clint and Natasha. Get at me.
Also-also, if you’re wondering about the kiss quote at the end, it’s a paraphrase of something from HIMYM (I’m basically the female version of Ted Mosby)

Tony Stark perfectly embodied the phrase “go big or go home.” There was no challenge he took lightly and, much to your dismay, that was especially true when it came to throwing parties. They were always a giant pain in your ass, simply because you were required to attend as an Avenger, but you were especially dreading this one.

It had been ten years since Tony’s “I am Iron Man” moment hit the headlines, which seemed reason enough for him to throw his most extravagant party yet. Tony insisted it was necessary to pay homage to the anniversary because (in his mind) it also signified the formation of the Avengers.

Fury, Maria Hill, Dr. Cho, various politicians–even Cameron Klein, whom you’d only met once on the Sokovia mission– would all be in attendance. It seemed anyone who’d ever had a hand in the formation of the Avengers was invited– except Peter of course, because Tony reasoned the party would go “way passed his bedtime.” You’d offered to hang out with Peter and have a movie night downstairs, but Tony refused to let you skip out.

It wasn’t the party itself you were dreading or the hundreds of guests, or even the fact it was a black tie event. The reason you were fighting tooth and nail for a way out was because of a certain blond agent who’d arrived a day early to catch up with everyone. And by “catch up with everyone” it seemed her only real intention was to flirt with Steve and try to catch his eye again.

It wasn’t like it was any of your business, but you knew Steve could do so much better than Sharon. You liked to tell yourself that you were just trying to look out for your best friend and that you had his best interest at heart, but deep down you knew that wasn’t the reason her flirting bothered you so much.

“I’m not going.”

You knew it was pointless to keep saying it. The team would probably carry you upstairs and tie you to a chair if that’s what it took to get you to the party, but you said it again anyway.

“Y/N, it won’t be that bad,” Nat sighed with a roll of her eyes.

You scoffed, but your argument was cut short when you observed Sharon giggling and playfully brushing her fingers along Steve’s bicep across the room. Nat caught the slight fall in your expression and suddenly understood why you were being extra grumpy about tonight’s event.

“You know what the best part about a party is?” she asked, pushing herself up from the couch.

“Enlighten me.”

“It’s the perfect opportunity to buy a new dress, drink a little, and have guys remind you how smokin’ hot you are. C’mon. We’re going dress shopping.”

Our secret moments in a crowded room
They got no idea about me and you
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo

“Stop fussing with it.” Nat slapped your hand away as you readjusted your dress for the hundredth time since you’d put it on. “You look amazing.”

“It’s just– this one is really ballsy for me. I can’t believe I let you talk me into actually buying it.”

“You’ll thank me later. Honestly, you look sexy and you’ll be turning heads all night. Steve’s a little naive, but even he’ll take notice.”

Keep reading

UGH Yes. This is beautifully angsty and I love it.

You Can’t Hurry Love Chapter 23/30


Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3  Chapter 4   Chapter 5  Chapter 6   Chapter 7 Chapter 8   Chapter 9     Chapter 10     Chapter 11     Chapter 12    Chapter 13 Chapter 14      Chapter 15     Chapter 16   Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19 Chapter 20  Chapter 21   Chapter 22

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Plus-Size OFC

Word Count: 7200

Warnings: Fluff, family and relationship drama, (trigger warning) healing after a trauma, some pretty strong angst, and explicit sexual content that is NSFW 18+.  SERIOUSLY.

Tags:   @3dsaunt  @andiyholly  @averyrogers83  @babybluesunsets @bettercallsabs @brittyevans  @brookebarnes @cecygee   @csrfavs   @docharleythegeekqueen  @dorito-distractions  @everythingisoverrated  @fabicchi  @favhearts  @flawless-disaster  @gifsbysimplysonia @hazeleyedgirl7   @hennessy0274-blog @inumorph @jaguars2007  @jaamesbbarnes @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety  @janeyboo   @jhangelface0523 @jouhainak @learisa @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @lilylovescomics   @lojo83   @lookwhatyoumademequeue  @lostinspace33  @madicardi  @magellan-88   @mamapeterson  @mcdesij @me-a-hopeless-romantic  @meyoko10  @mindingmyownbusiness @mizzzpink @neverleturheartshow2  @nomadicpixel  @nothanks-justlooking @part-time-patronus @patzammit @pinkieandthebrain1 @redqueen1221 @sebbytrash  @sgtjbuccky  @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan  @stark-spangledbanner  @st-eve-barnes @stillherebiandabitch @sunriserose1023 @suz-123 @the-real-kellymonster    @tutis24 @winterismyfavoriteseason1945  @winters-beauty @yaykitty3  

We’ve Only Just Begun? Seriously?

Chapter Summary: You were man and wife.  Married.  It was a safe bet that things were going to get worse before they got better, and there wouldn’t be an immediate happily-ever-after, and, unfortunately you were right on both counts.  A day and evening filled with love and laughter was followed by a night filled with fear and terror.  Just wait – the surprises don’t end there, not by a long shot.

Chapter Notes:  Wow, I wrote this in like 2 days!  I can’t believe it.  I hope it doesn’t seem silly or stupid.  I would love to hear what y’all think about this chapter – too far-fetched? (I mean, when you’re working off the premise of being married to Captain America, that is).  Thanks for reading, I love hearing from all of you – it reinforces me and makes the time I spend on writing seem much more worthwhile.  All my thanks – Steph

You took a deep breath as you slid into the backseat of the car, with Weber and another agent in the front seat.  Your dress was wrecked, but you still had your jewelry, which was what was most important to you.  You were silent as you were driven to the compound, and grateful that neither agent tried to start a conversation.  After a short ride, you pulled up the entrance, lit like a high school football stadium. Dr. Cho’s assistants were waiting for you as you pulled up, and had clearly been briefed on what had just happened.  Weber followed behind you towards the medical wing, but the doctor’s staff told her Helen wanted to see you alone, and that it would not take long.  Though Weber voiced her displeasure at letting you out of her sight, she agreed to meet up after she did what she needed to do.  

Keep reading

I don’t like this at all.