Bat Out of Hell


Summary: Bucky’s struggling to overcome guilt from his time as the Winter Soldier when he meets Casey. (inspired by this epic song)

Bucky walked the streets in black, hood pulled up, head down, hands shoved in his pockets.

Fighting with the Avengers was good. He helped people on a scale that most could never imagine doing. But it wasn’t enough. It didn’t alleviate the guilt he carried from the countless acts of violence he committed as the Winter Soldier.

Most nights he had trouble sleeping. Nightmares had him reliving past missions. When he had that kind of night he took to the streets. He roamed around, looking for people causing trouble. He figured the more people he helped, the more it could offset the people he’d killed. He saved thousands at a time working with the team, but it didn’t sink in. It wasn’t personal. His kills had been personal. Up close. Hands on. He needed his saves to feel the same.

Over the course of five months, he lost track of how many muggings he stopped. Burglaries, beatings, vandalism. Not to mention the women he’d gotten out of bad situations. He didn’t like to think what would have happened to them if he hadn’t been there.

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Well damn. I was really scared for a minute. 

Everything Stumbles


Chapter 12

The Final Chapter

Chloe watched through the one way glass while Natasha interrogated Gruber. He verified a lot of what she already learned from the journal, but Nat kept at him.

The door behind Chloe opened and let a little light into the dark room long enough for someone to step in. Bucky slid an arm around her waist.

“You ok?”

Chloe nodded.

He pressed close behind her and kissed her neck. “Is this ok?”


He sighed and wrapped both arms around her, pulling her close. Chloe closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

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From the first word, to the last, I am completely in love with this story. It might seem like a simple boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy ends up pushing girl away, story, but it’s so much more than that. It’s deep and meaningful and stunning. 

Never Have I Ever


This fic was written for @captain-rogers-beard‘s Marvel Trope Challenge.

My trope: Truth or Dare/Never Have I games

They sat at the table. Going around from Amber’s left was Clint, Sam, Steve, Bucky, and Natasha. She wasn’t sure how she was roped into a drinking game. Liquor was not her friend, and the people around this table either held their liquor very well, or were biologically engineered so that they couldn’t get drunk.

“Ok,” Amber said, “remind me of the rules again.”

Sam explained. “We go around taking turns. You say ‘never have I ever,’ and name something you’ve never done. Then the rest of us, if we’ve done it, have to take a drink.”

“You guys are just going to see how boring I am, because if you guys haven’t done it, no way am I taking a drink.”

A few of them chuckled.

“You’re not boring, Amber,” Natasha chimed in. “You’ve just lived a quiet, normal life.”

Amber flashed her a smile.

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I have so many heart eyes right now, it’s silly. 

Cabin In the Woods


This fic was written for @captain-rogers-beard‘s Marvel Trope Challenge.

My trope: The heater is broken and you wake up freezing and whoever you’re stuck sharing a bed with offers to share heat via cuddles and even after you deny being cold you can’t help but admit how warm they look and then just relax into their hold as they wrap their arms around you. (I took a bit of liberty with this, because it was so detailed.)

Gia stood at the back of the jet, wind whipping her hair, while Steve and Bucky prepped to jump. She would close the hatch once they were clear.

“Five minutes,” Natasha called from the pilot’s seat.

“We have to time this just right to land inside the property gates,” Steve said.

Bucky nodded as he slipped his parachute on and fastened it.

The jet lurched, then bounced, and Gia lost her footing. She screamed as she slipped off the jet, barely able to grab on to the edge of the hatch. Bucky and Steve both ran to help her, but she lost her grip as Bucky dropped his knees to take her hand.

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YES! This is perfect. I love it so much. 

Do you have a mobile master list by chance?


Sorry, Nonny. Any story listing I have here on tumblr hasn’t been updated in at least a year, and I’m not very consistent in posting my fics here. But every fic I’ve ever written is posted over at ( and most of my stories are at Ao3 (

But I really appreciate the interest! It means a lot.

Go read her stories! You’ll love them.